Originally posted by cbrrrman:^ Lol yeah they usually kill me if the pack grows to 10 or more. Very useful as it will tell you the fur type great for stalking or tracking rare fur types like Albinos! So just bare this in mind that the blood marks on the huntermate look identical to the hoof prints as that is what I was noticing as typically I don't pay much attention to the map or huntermate except very basic things like if I start getting too many tracks overlapping I might refer to either just to help sort them out as I have some added skills/perks for track direction and such very useful so keep those in mind when spending points! The V is the one you have to get using the skills or perks otherwise these won't appear on either your huntermate or map. The only difference is I noticed as I was tracking this Caribou for some reason the blood marks do not show up on the map it seems but they do show up on the huntermate as I had more marks on the huntermate then I did my map.
This is off the map as just easier but same displays on the phone.